Original Storyboard
Original Project
The original project was produced when Berro Motion employed me.
Even with minimal 3D professional experience then, I was trusted with handling the composition and animations for the whole vídeo.
Today with more knowledge and experience I've decided to do my best to create a new version all by myself so I can see how far I have come in 1 year and 9 months.
The original project was created and directed by Berro's team and you can find the credits on my portfolio. I created the new version entirely, using the original Blender projects as a base.
The original project was created and directed by Berro's team and you can find the credits on my portfolio. I created the new version entirely, using the original Blender projects as a base.
Original project credits
Production: Berro Motion
Script & Directing: Céu Boa Nova
Concept & Design: Eder Suria
Modeling & Research: Duda Beck
Direction of Photography: Bernardo Assis Brasil
Light & Texture: Andrei Monteiro
Editing: Andrei Monteiro
Animation: Andrei Monteiro
Business/PM: Andrei Gutierres
Sound Design: Maria Viola Música